
Archive for March, 2012

Much has changed since my last post on this page, both in writing and otherwise.  What I did not realize back in the shining days of that first draft was that I did not have a firm grasp of what makes a solid, proper novel.  I have studied, and rewritten, producing another first draft that still doesn’t quite cut it.  I am on the sixth rendition of such endeavors, with two other completed novel manuscripts sitting as skeletons in the closet.

I am pursuing another career in addition to writing, and thank goodness that I have the opportunity for that.  It is my hope that my fiction writing can provide supplemental income in addition to my salary.  I hate it that the pursuits of my life have become about money instead of the alleviation of human suffering.  As one might guess, I have no choice in the matter.

Enough of worries and complaints.  I have joined a professional writing group run by published authors.  I have applied to summer writing workshops, and drained my bank account to attend my first major writer’s conference.  I have found as of two weeks ago a beta reader who tears apart my work and reveals its weaknesses.  I am reading novels objectively and recommended writing guides.  I am still writing, and I hope that will result in a real story one of these days.  God Bless me and keep me until I manage it.

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